Zadar psychedelic sunsets

When the sun goes down in Zadar, the earth and sky melt together at the horizon. They share the same colours in a fantastic psychedelic show. Alfred Hitchcock, who was a connoisseur, used to say that from Zadar’s waterfront one can enjoy the most beautiful sunset of the world. But since the times of Mr Hitchcock, many things changed, not only in the field of movies. Greetings to the sun The new waterfront of the Dalmatian city is a great place for a stroll with a view. But not only. It also hosts a couple of modern art structures. Made


The country that once was called “Yugoslavia” disappeared from the maps at the end of last century and after a cruel war. Outside the former Yugoslavian area, nothing of it remains on maps, just a trace on the history texts. But the “Made in Yugoslavia” Zastavas still run the roads of the new countries that once were federate republics of Yugoslavia, with new plates and old spare parts. And the word “Yugoslavia” is still an evident presence in many houses of Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro. They call it Jugonostalgija….