Zadar psychedelic sunsets

Zadar psychedelic sunsets Zara Saluto al sole

When the sun goes down in Zadar, the earth and sky melt together at the horizon. They share the same colours in a fantastic psychedelic show.

Alfred Hitchcock, who was a connoisseur, used to say that from Zadar’s waterfront one can enjoy the most beautiful sunset of the world.

Zadar psychedelic sunsets Zara Saluto al sole

But since the times of Mr Hitchcock, many things changed, not only in the field of movies.

Greetings to the sun

The new waterfront of the Dalmatian city is a great place for a stroll with a view. But not only. It also hosts a couple of modern art structures. Made by the same artist (Nikola Bašić) and placed close to each other, they are there to spark our senses: sight, hearing. And fantasy. That’s not a sense, but yet is important, isn’t it?

Crowd at Greetings to the sun, Zadar

Greetings to the sun is a huge glass circle placed on the tarmac of the waterfront, protecting a cluster of solar cells.

Sounds quite boring, doesn’t it?

Come take a look at this circle at dusk.
Multicolour lights blink and wave in a casual and psychedelic way. They re-create the shades of colours of the horizon.

Zadar psychedelic sunsetsGreetings to the sun, Zadar

The crowd is lit by those lights while walking through the circle. They then walk towards the edge and so walk one step towards the unreachable horizon, that now has the same hues of the glass they’re stepping.

The Sea Organ

Now listen: there’s a noise coming out from the sea.

Not a real noise. It sounds like ambient music created by the sea. The melody has nice chords and inner beauty, but the rhythm isn’t that steady.

The Sea organ exploits waves and tides to create music naturally. What’s more natural than air and water?

It’s the ideal complement to the Greetings to the sun.
Together they make our sunset seaside walk in Zadar a unique experience.

Greetings to the sun, Zadar

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2 thoughts on “Zadar psychedelic sunsets

  1. Nadege says:

    Giuseppe, come and see the Afrika Burn sunsets next year! (Be sure to find me next to the Eiffel tower 🙂 ) As for your art, fantastic pictures, amazing work, beautiful soul.


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