Professional Photographer in Avellino, Italy

Professional Photographer in Avellino, Italy

Your Go-To Expert for Diverse Photo Assignments

On assignment

Photo selling and licensing

If you’d like to get in touch directly, please fill out the form below. I’m here to help with all your photography needs, whether it’s for a specific assignment, image licensing, or purchasing one of my photobooks. Your inquiries are always welcome, and I look forward to collaborating with you to bring your vision to life.

    2 thoughts on “Professional Photographer in Avellino, Italy

    1. Dominic Borg says:


      My name is Dominic Borg I live in Buckinghamshire the county my mother chose to settle here in 1957 from Avellino. My mother was from Avellino and also my Grandfather, my grandmother came from a village called Capriglia. I am researching the areas that the earthquake damaged in Avellino itself, and Capriglia, specific roads and churches.
      I am enquiring in regards to any pictures you may have taken of specific roads before and after the Earthquake in 1980/81. I have a small list of roads and a couple of churches I can forward you.


      Mi chiamo Dominic Borg Vivo nel Buckinghamshire, la contea che mia madre scelse di stabilirsi qui nel 1957 da Avellino. Mia madre era di Avellino e anche mio nonno, mia nonna veniva da un paese chiamato Capriglia. Sto ricercando le aree in cui il terremoto ha danneggiato Avellino stessa, e Capriglia, strade e chiese specifiche.
      Sto indagando su eventuali foto che potresti aver scattato di strade specifiche prima e dopo il terremoto del 1980/81. Ho una piccola lista di strade e un paio di chiese che posso inoltrarvi.

      Cordiali saluti
      Domenico Borg


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