The special history and amazing beauty of Palmanova

Located in Northeastern Italy, Palmanova, the star-shaped town, is a unique destination. A great example of a Renaissance-era planned town meant to be used as a living area but also as a fortress and stronghold. The star-shaped town Palmanova has the shape of a star. Right in its middle, there is a huge square, an enormous empty space that was once used for military musters. The town was built, following the ideals of utopia, at the end of the XVI century by the Republic of Venice. It was the last outpost before the border with the Austrian empire. Unfortunately, no

Trabocchi: the tailspin of the giant spiders jetting on the sea

At the extreme point of the right-hand promontory, on a bank of rocks the Trabocco stretched, a strange fishing machine, constructed entirely of beams and planks, like a colossal spider-web. (Gabriele D’Annunzio, The Triumph of Death) A Trabucco is an old fishing machine. It’s common along the Southeastern coast of Italy, namely in Abruzzo and in Puglia. A platform jutting out into the sea and anchored to the coastline by massive logs. From the platform hang out nets and all the structures needed to sustain it. A literary fascination The Italian writer Gabriele D’ Annunzio, who lived nearby, wrote some

A visit to the floating section of Cesenatico Museum

A visit to the floating section of Cesenatico Museum is absolutely a must if you happen to be in the area. Multicoloured sails greet the visitors of Cesenatico every day between Easter and September. A rainbow show that cannot be missed even from the nearby main road or if you’re travelling by train. The floating museum Dozens of traditional sailboats stretch along the old canal designed by Leonardo da Vinci. The wooden hulls are painted in bright colours. The typical details such as the “eyes” on the bow are more or less stylized. Red sails, or ochre or orange. And

Puglia di mezzo: case bianche e lampi barocchi

Case bianche si stagliano su morbide alture che guardano al mare, digradando in mezzo agli uliveti. Calce candida si alterna ai balconi barocchi ed alle chiese in pietra dorata che si infiamma al tramonto. Colonne barocche si intorcigliano verso il cielo e spingono il santo di turno lassù a vigilare sul mondo. Sotto, si apre una piazza fiorita di caffè. Giovani ed anziani amano incontrarsi qui per due chiacchiere, un bicchierino o una partita a carte: c’è un pezzo di Spagna catapultato su un terreno carsico, punteggiato di doline, ricoperto di oliveti secolari, cotto dal sole per quasi tutto l’

Wroclaw, the city of dwarfs

Wroclaw is a beautiful city with beautiful streets, an incredibly gorgeous and tranquil medieval district (Cathedral island, on an island on the river Oder), lots of bars and restaurants. Many cities in the world have similar amenities. But Wroclaw is the city of dwarfs! Scattered in the old town, hundreds of small dwarfs are waiting to be discovered by adults and children. The tourist office even prints a map of their locations! You can find these dwarfs busy in various occupations; counting money, leaving for a trip, cheering the incoming tourists, sleeping, guarding the entrance of their hidden city. There

All You Need To Know About Camogli

Liguria, in North-Western Italy, is a huge rocky arch that stretches from Tuscany to the border with France. Almost at its middle, upon a small promontory, lies Camogli. Today a tourist destination, a few decades ago a fishermen village and earlier an important trade harbour. Camogli is a real gem of Liguria. The tiny harbour was once – around the end of the Middle Age – one of the most trafficked in Europe. Camogli was called the “city of a thousand white sails” because of the many ships that were always cruising through its port. The fake facades Today there